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Dr.P.V Ramana
Brain and Spine Surgeon

Director, Pinnacle Institute of Neurosciences, Pinnacle Hospital, Vishakapatnam


  • Director , Pinnacle Institute of Neurosciences , Pinnacle Hospital

  • Member National Academy of Medical Sciences

  • Fellow in Microsurgery, Fujita Health University, Japan

  • Fellow in Minimally invasive Neurosurgery, St, Radboud University, Holland.Fellow in Endoscopic Microdiscectomy, Bordeaux, France

  • Visiting Fellow in Spine Surgery, Cleveland Clinic, USA.

  • Fellowship of Spinal Surgery, Catholic University, S Korea

  • Fellow of International College of Surgeons

  • Fellow American Association of Neurological Surgeons

Brain and Spine Expert.


The NeuroSurgeon could be your best guide.

Dr. P. V. Ramana is a renowned Brain and Spine Surgeon in Visakhapatnam who has accumulated experience of over 30+ years. Currently HOD Neurosurgery & Spine Surgery, and Director Pinnacle Institute of Neurosciences at Pinnacle Hospital, Health City, Arilova, Visakhapatnam.


His accomplishments in the field include 22,000+  successful neurosurgeries, a number of research publications, memberships in various societies, and awards.

His special interests are Endoscopic and Endoscope-assisted Brain & Spine Surgery, complex Skull Base Surgery ,Trauma managment and Pediatric Neurosurgery.


Cranial nerves sometimes crave for neurologist.


Years of Experience


Professional Affiliations




Perioperative Ischemic Evaluation (POISE) trial: a randomized controlled trial of metoprolol versus placebo in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery

  • DOI: 2006.05.19

CRASH Trial Collaborators. Effect of intravenous corticosteroids on death within14 days in 10,008 adults with clinically significant head injury (MRC CRASH Trial): a randomized placebo-controlled trial.

  • Lancet 2004; 364: 1321–28.

Research Interests

  • Sinus node function in normal individuals, Short term Indian Council for Medical Research project at Department of Cardiology, MKCG Medical College, Berhampur 1987

  • Corticosteroid Randomisation After Significant Head injury (CRASH) TRAIL, MRC, London, Lead clinician, Trail center at Care Hospital, Visakhapatnam.

  • Clinical Randomisation of Antifibrinolytic in Significant Haemorrhage (CRASH 2)TRIAL, MRC LONDON- leads clinician, Trial center at Care, Visakhapatnam.

  • Peri Operative ISchemic Evaluation (POISE) TRIAL, Canadian Cardiovascular Collaboration PHRI, Ontario, Lead Clinician Care Hospital


Health and lifestyle tips

Information for individuals with neurological problems, and care givers on healthy lifestyle habits and tips on how to deal with everyday situations.

Food for Brain

The main components of a balanced diet are:

  • five portions of fruits and vegetables per day

  • carbohydrates from foods such as brown rice, potatoes, cereals, and whole wheat pasta

  • protein-rich  foods such as oily fish, eggs, and meat


"Best Doctor in Visakhapatnam for Neuro. His way of diagnosing a problem is accurate. Thank you doctor for giving the best treatment."

Jyothi B


Devoted for healthy brains

Director Pinnacle Institute of Neurosciences


APIIC Health City, Chingadili,


Tel: +91 85007 67788

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